Managed AWS Services

Capanicus has proven experience in architecture development and AWS management environments of various sizes. Our competent, trained and experienced solution architects will work in close coordination with your team to develop an agile and dynamic plan for both deployment and release.
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Managed google cloud

We are an Azure managed services provider, with certified experts to deliver good architecture, exceptional security, and 24*7 operations through our experts.We provides 24/7 outsourced server management services, Remote Server Administration, Server support services, Server Security, Linux Server Management, Windows Server Management and Helpdesk Management to Data centers, Hosting companies and ISPs around the world.

Managed Microsoft Azure

We are an Azure managed services provider, with certified experts to deliver good architecture, exceptional security, and 24*7 operations through our experts.

Managed Dedicated Server

We provides 24/7 outsourced server management services, Remote Server Administration, Server support services, Server Security, Linux Server Management, Windows Server Management and Helpdesk Management to Data centers, Hosting companies and ISPs around the world.

Some of the standard TO-DO
list performed
for efficient
server management

All time monitoring of your servers and network for your connectivity, event log
monitoring, disk space or memory

Routine maintenance of servers including security patch management and
update, temporary file deletion, and disk defragmentation, cache
removal and other regular updates required for server

Daily backup monitoring and/or cloud management

Troubleshooting & Maintenance


Blogs, news, and insights
Worth exploring

We love reading, researching, and writing a lot of stuff about technology, current trends, and other technology-related things. Explore our writings where we have shared our technological insights.

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Start your business transformation journey with successful products like ClientPoint.

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